Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
258 lines
STACK 200h
VGASeg dw 0a000h ;Vga Segment in High Memmory
XSize dw ? ;Picture X and Y
YSize dw ?
FileHandle dw ? ;Save the file handle in case we need it
Header db 18 DUP(0) ;Buffer for header
TmpPal db 768 DUP(0) ;We will load the TGA palette here
; before we swap it to RGB
Palette db 768 DUP(0) ;Space for the final palette
Credits db "TGA Viewer by VLA",10,13,"$"
FileError db "File Not Found ",10,13,"$"
; External procedure from CLSUB.OBJ
EXTRN GetCommandLine:PROC
; ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────
; Proc: GetCommandLine
; Gets a filename off the command line and stores
; it at [cs:dx], and adds the 5 byte extension at [cs:bx]
; Ex. C:\> viewtga vlagold2
; Ex.
; Ex. cs:dx -> FileName db 13 DUP (' ')
; Ex. cs:bx -> Extension db ".tga",0
; Ex.
; Ex. cs:dx -> FileName db "vlagold2.tga",0
; Entry:
; ES = PSP SEG (ES points to this at entry of your program )
; (otherwise use Int 21h Service 51h to get it)
; CS:DX = pointer to filename area
; CS:BX = pointer to 5 byte 0 terminating Extension to add
; Return:
; AX = length of command line
; └────────────────────────────────────────────────
;These are needed in the CodeSeg by GetCommandLine
FileName db 13 DUP(' ')
Extension db ".tga",0
; Move Palette Color 0 into all offsets on the screen
;Entry: None
;Return: None
push ax cx di es ;Save the registers we will use
mov es,[VGASeg] ;Move the segment to the VGA seg
xor ax,ax ;Put 0's in both ah and al
xor di,di ;Start at offset 0
mov cx,1000h/2 ;1000h bytes in VGA seg /2 = words
rep lodsw ;load cx words in ax to [es:di]
pop es di cx ax ;Restore our registers
; Write a specified palette chunk
; IN: DS:SI = Address of palette
; CX = Number of colors to write (NOT *3)
; AL = Starting palette index
;OUT: None
PROC WritePalette
push dx cx si
mov dx,cx ;CX * 3, but faster than using MUL or IMUL
add cx,cx
add cx,dx
mov dx,03c8h ;Hardware port for write palette
out dx,al ;Starting at
inc dx ;Next port writes it in
cld ;Move up through ds:si
rep outsb ;Store byte from ds:si to port dx
pop si cx dx
mov ax,@Data ;Set ds to DataSeg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,13h ;320x200x256 mode
int 10h
mov si,offset TmpPal ;Clear the Palette
mov cx,256
mov al,0
call WritePalette
call ClearVGA ;Clear the Screen
mov dx,offset FileName ;cs:dx filename
mov bx,offset Extension ;cs:bx extension
call GetCommandLine ;Get the FileName
cmp ax,1
jle @@FileError
mov ax,cs ;filename is in the cs
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset FileName ;ds:dx filename
mov ah,3dh
mov al,11000010b ;Attribute (Normal)
int 21h ;Load the File
jc @@FileError
mov bx,ax
mov ax,@Data ;Switch back to dataseg
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
mov [FileHandle],bx ;Save the handle
mov dx,offset Header
mov cx,18
mov ah,3fh ;Load in the 18 byte TGA Header
int 21h
mov si,offset Header
add si,12 ;12th byte is XSize
mov ax,[ds:si]
mov [XSize],ax
add si,2 ;14th byte is YSize
mov ax,[ds:si]
mov [YSize],ax
mov cx,768 ;256 Colors, 3 bytes per color
mov dx,offset TmpPal ; This is TGA Palette BGR
mov ah,3fh ; needs to be swapped to RGB
int 21h
jc @@FileError
mov ax,[XSize] ;Get picture size from X * Y
mov cx,[YSize]
mul cx
mov cx,ax ;Load that many bytes
mov ds,[VGASeg] ;Directly to the VGASeg
mov dx,0
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jc @@FileError
mov ax,@Data ;Ready to Swap the palette
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset TmpPal
mov di,offset Palette
mov cx,256 ;256 colors
mov al,[ds:si] ; We load the Blue into al
inc si
mov ah,[ds:si] ; Green to ah
inc si
mov bl,[ds:si] ; Red to bl
inc si
shr al,2 ;TGA palette is multiplied by 4
shr ah,2 ;shr al,2 divides al by 4
shr bl,2 ;do this to all the colors
mov [es:di],bl ;Flip the order back to RGB
inc di
mov [es:di],ah ;So we can load it directly to the
inc di
mov [es:di],al ;VGA Palette
inc di
loop @@PaletteFlip ;Loop until we do all the colors
mov si,offset Palette ;Info needed to load the palette
mov cx,256
mov al,0
call WritePalette ;Move it to the VGA Palette
mov ah,0 ;Wait for Key Press
int 16h
mov ah,1 ;Grab the Key
int 16h
mov bx,0 ;Switch back to text mode
mov ah,0 ;first video page
mov al,3
int 10h
mov dx,offset Credits ;Print the credits
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,[FileHandle] ;Close the file
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
jmp @@Bye
mov ax,@Data
mov ds,ax
mov bx,0 ;Switch to text mode
mov ah,0
mov al,3
int 10h
mov dx,offset FileError ;Tell the user it did find it
mov ah,9 ; (most likely)
int 21h
mov ah,4ch ;See ya...
int 21h
END Start